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I am a weightlifting & fitness coach from North Devon.


I've been working in sport and fitness for over 15 years and I have a Doctorate in Sport & Exercise Science.  I specialise in coaching weightlifting and functional fitness, two areas of exercise I am especially passionate about after my own 'transformation story'.


I currently lead the weightlifting program at ARC Fitness in Bideford and I also assist World renowned weightlifting coach and Olympian Michaela Breeze.

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Coaching Bio...

I started my career as an academic, researching skill acquisition, cognition and motor skill development in sports skills.  I've since published numerous articles and presented at conferences on this subject, and it's incredibly rewarding to now apply this in-depth knowledge to inform my coaching and programming.  


Like so many others, I initially found weightlifting though CrossFit.  It was 'love at first lift' for me, and I quickly progressed in the sport as I became more technically proficient.  I continued to do CrossFit, but my training soon became focused on weightlifting as I started working with a specialist coach every week.  During this time, my numbers shot up as I gained a better understanding of the movements and kinematics involved in this unique sport.


In 2020, I moved into professional coaching.  I began working at CrossFit North Devon on a regular basis, programming and running their barbell program alongside CrossFit classes.  I enjoyed the challenge of working with such a diverse groups of lifters each week, helping them to develop their technique for the platform and of course for better and safer performances in CrossFit workouts!


Around this time, I also started working with Olympian and Commonwealth gold medalist, Michaela Breeze.  My own lifting improved further with the help of her expertise.  My snatch was just under 70kg and my clean and jerk was 92kg.  I won the 81kg category in the Welsh Championships and enjoyed competing against some of the best in the country at local comps.  More importantly, I was learning more about coaching weightlifters from Michaela and my classes were becoming hugely popular in the gym.


In 2021, I started coaching at a new gym in Bideford; ARC Fitness.  My old knee injuries were ever prevalent, stunting my progress as a lifter but this enabled me to invest more time and effort into my education as a coach.  I now run the weightlifting program at ARC Fitness and I also periodically work for Michaela Breeze, coaching online sessions for her lifters.


In 2023 I made a return to the competitive scene.  I competed in the European Masters WL Championships, picking up a bronze medal before taking a very close silver at the World Masters WL Championships.  Since then, I have won a further two British Masters Weightlifting Championships in 2023 and 2024.

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British Weightlifting Level 2 Cert. Weightlifting Coach

CrossFit Level 1 Coach

Gym Instructor Level 2 Cert.

Hockey & Cricket Level 2 Cert. Coach

First Aid at Work Certificate

Level 1 Safeguarding & Protecting Children


PhD Sport & Exercise Science, University of Exeter (2015)

MSc Health & Sport Science, University of Exeter (2011)

BSc Sport & Exercise Science, University of Exeter (2010)

Associate Teaching Fellow of the Higher Education Academy


Wood, G. Miles, C.A.L., et al., (2017) A randomized controlled trial of a group-based gaze training intervention for children with Developmental Coordination Disorder, PLos One, 12(2). DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0171782

Miles, C.A.L., et al., (2015). Quiet eye training aids the long-term learning of throwing and catching in children: Preliminary evidence for a predictive control strategy, European Journal of Sport Science, 17(1), DOI: 10.1080/17461391.2015.1122093

Miles, C.A.L., et al (2015). Quiet eye training facilitates visuomotor coordination in children with developmental coordination disorder, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 40:31-41, DOI: 10.1016/j.ridd.2015.01.005

Miles, C.A.L., et al (2014). Quiet eye training improves throw and catch performance in children, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 15(5), DOI: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2014.04.009

Wilson, M.R., Miles, C.A.L., et al., (2012). Quiet Eye Distinguishes Children of High and Low Motor Coordination Abilities, Medicine in Sports and Exercise, 45(6), DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e31828288f1

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